Illustration Advent 2019

I’ve managed to get off to a bit of a late start with #illo_advent on Twitter this year but hope to contribute a few pictures to the loveliness of this hashtag. I tried out a different Kyle T Webster Photoshop brush for the trees and snow, it’s called Gouache Bonus Gritty Dry (snappy name!). I’m working on freeing up my drawing to be more scribbly and loose. For me, the key to this is not to overthink. I’m quite pleased with how the trees turned out!

Illo Advent 2017

For the past three years I have been taking part in #illo_advent on Twitter and Instagram. It's a simple illustration challenge where you draw something Christmassy each day throughout the festive season and post it with the hashtag to share it with the lovely illustration community. I love it. It helps me to practise and makes me feel part of something cheery and creative. Here are my first four pictures. Lots more to come : )

#illo_advent 2017

This is the third year I've taken part in #illo_advent over on Twitter. It's what started me drawing when I was having a really tough time in my personal life. I took up the challenge of drawing a Christmas themed illustration from 1st - 24th December and it helped to distract me. I shared my drawings and become part of a lovely community of creative people. It was therapy, company and just good fun.

This year the illustrations that are being shared by everyone are absolutely beautiful. If you've got five minutes to while away I highly recommend a browse. Here are my 24 pictures for 2016.