Movie - A Star Is Born

“And there's one reason we're supposed to be here is to say something so people want to hear. So you got to grab it, and you don't apologise, and you don't worry about why they're listening, or how long they're going to be listening for, you just tell them what you want to say.”

I had several friends who had seen this film and couldn’t stop talking about it. I finally saw it this weekend. Wow. What a movie. There are very few films that come together so perfectly as this one does. The chemistry between the actors, the script, the direction, the passion, the pure artistry. In the interview below, Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga discuss their creative connection and the collaborative experience. Bradley talks about how he couldn’t direct until he had something to say and how he wanted so much for the film to connect and heal.

I loved the movie. But what I really loved was the creativity, the story telling and the total commitment the actors have to the whole process.

Writing Retreat In Copenhagen

This week I took myself away for a short but sweet writing retreat. I'm working on the second draft of a novel for 8 - 12 year olds and after having the first draft professionally critiqued last year I've been struggling to find time to dedicate to writing. Four days in wonderful Copenhagen helped me to focus. It's such a beautiful city and it was great to feel like an international student writing in cafes and restaurants. I really recommend the following lovely places to write...

Comedy Writing

I really enjoyed this video from the brilliant website The Pool with Phoebe Waller-Bridge and her friend and collaborator Vicky Jones. Phoebe's writing is so sharp and vivid and the chat reminded how much I love collaborating with other creative folks. I've been co-writing a comedy script with a friend of mine for several years. The project is on-going but it's already taught me a lot. Mainly that writing comedy is HARD. But also that when you get a line right and you get the laugh, it's absolutely brilliant.

Writing Inspiration - Mindy Kaling

"The way I learned it was just by watching with a really obsessive eye..."

I love Mindy Kaling and found this brief interview snippet this week about how she started comedy writing. My friend and I have been writing a sitcom script for about seven years. It's a project we always come back to, trying different ways to improve our writing and to share it with others... I love hearing about how people's passion for their creativity stays with them from childhood and eventually breaks through.

An Interview With J.K. Rowling

"I wish I knew where the idea came from... It just fell from my head. The first thing I saw was Harry..."

This interview came up as a memory on Facebook for me this week. It's a wonderful insight into J.K. Rowling's writing process and a peek at how children feel about the books. I have written the first draft of my first children's novel and am starting to send it out to agents so feel on the cusp of an adventure. The first thing I saw was my main character quietly sitting, observing. He was so clear to me. It feels so lovely to know this is how J.K. Rowling started too. It's amazing how creativity allows us to share the magic in our minds.

Click on the image below to hear the interview. I took the photo in the East End of London, somehow it makes me think of something you might see in Diagon Alley.