Glimpses Of Green In Boston

I travelled to Boston for the first time in April and was lucky enough to have a full day to wander around the city after I had finished work. The sky was bright blue and I walked almost ten miles taking in the sights, capturing little glimpses of green.

A Quiet Weekend In The Cotswolds

We weren't expecting quite so much snow this weekend but still managed to have a lovely, cosy time in the Cotswolds. It's so good to have a change of scenery once in a while and to take some time just to explore and appreciate good company and good conversation.

Hidden Treasures - New Photos of The Beatles

As I've mentioned, I've been thinking a lot about youth lately. I saw this article today about a photographer who took these pictures of the Beatles when he was 18. He couldn't afford a flash so took them all with natural light. As someone who never uses a flash, I absolutely love the light and shade in these. And can you imagine the thrill of being on stage with the Beatles capturing these moments?

The Beatles - a teenage photographer's shots

Shots of The Beatles' first US concerts are expected to sell for £250,000 at auction. Mike Mitchell, 18 at the time, snapped hundreds of never-before-seen photographs of the band's performances at the Washington Coliseum and the Baltimore Civic Centre in 1964.

#littlebitofpretty - Copenhagen Colours

Shades of green in the streets of Copenhagen. Such a beautiful city to photograph.

The Old & The New

I love taking photos when little details catch my eye. I'll often spot something, snap it and then crop the picture or brighten it up using my phone to get feel of the image right. These two photos felt like they sat well together. I like the juxtaposition (posh word!) of the old and the new and the slightly ethereal look of the sunlight.


This weekend we went for a beautiful walk in the woods. I bought some paper decorations for the little ones so we took them with us and played around taking photos of them blowing around in the breeze. The pink looked beautiful against the green of the leaves and I loved the contrast of nature and paper.

Words On The Street

As you'll be starting to realise if you read this page regularly, I love spotting little details as I walk around the city, things that others may not have noticed. Here are a few of my spots from New York.

Words Beneath My Feet

I went to a Headspace seminar a few years ago to learn about mindfulness and one of the techniques they taught us was mindful walking. It's simply noticing your surroundings and breath rather than missing everything by thinking about problems or plans. I like noticing little details like words beneath my feet especially ones you wouldn't expect to see.


I had the absolute pleasure of visiting Emily Quinton's Makelight studio earlier this year to attend a watercolour course. It's such a beautiful place, absolutely full of light and inspiration. Meeting Emily and seeing her studio really made me think about how you can create your own creative life. Emily runs courses, teaches photography and blogs / writes about her experience and life. I find her really inspiring and love her newsletters arriving in my inbox. Have a little nose around her website and blog, I hope she inspires you too. After all, who wouldn't want to make light?