A Seven Minute Meditation with Adriene

I keep seeing lots of vloggers and folks on Instagram recommending Adriene’s videos for forming a yoga practice. I had a little look at her account and can see immediately why she’s so popular. I started with this seven minute meditation and loved her gentle, easy approach. I especially like the moment when you bow your head to your heart. It felt really meaningful. A lovely treat for a Sunday.

Experiments In Watercolour

This is a little corner of one of the mini abstracts in my watercolour sketchbook. I've mentioned before how therapeutic I find drawing or painting and playing with watercolours is a wonderful meditation. I am learning about how the paints behave with more or less water. And letting them seep into each other teaches me to relinquish control and to let the painting be what it wants to be.



I'm sure I've talked about mindfulness on my mini blog before but I was reminded about how beneficial it is today when I read this 8 Reasons To Give Mindfulness A Shot article on the Headspace website. I was lucky enough to go to one of Andy Puddicombe's first seminars when he started Headspace and it had such a profound effect on me. The simplicity of reminding yourself to be in the moment is wonderful. It's honestly changed my life by helping me to handle life's ups and downs and to really enjoy the highs. Be mindful, be kindful : )


I'll be writing a blog post about mindfulness soon as it's something I practice and think about every day. For today, I wanted to share a little ink creation of mine. Mindfulness doesn't have to be about sitting quietly with your eyes closed. I find some of my most mindful moments are when I am creating. Drawing a pattern like this is so calming. I find myself totally absorbed in the moment and as my mind stills it starts to create things that I didn't even know existed in me.