5 Podcasts I Love To Listen To While I Draw

One thing I love about spending the day illustrating is that I can listen to something while I draw, whereas when I'm writing I need the white noise of a cafe or silence. The radio often keeps me company but I also love hearing people's stories and experiences so am always on the lookout for engaging podcasts. These are my current favourites...

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5 Things I Learnt At The 'How to Make a Living (and a Life) from Writing' Masterclass

Although I've recently been totally absorbed in illustration as I work on my second picture book, my first love has always been writing. Over the years I have started writing various women's fiction novels but didn't quite find the impetus to finish one until I switched genre and found myself writing a children's novel for 8 - 12 year olds. I was over the moon when I typed the words 'The End'. But the truth is, the manuscript is now sitting in a drawer, waiting for me to decide what to do with it next. Should I send it to agents? Should I get a professional editor? Should I self publish?

Which is why when my friend asked me if I wanted to go along to a writing masterclass with her I knew it was just what I needed to prompt me to take the next step...

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Celebration Commissions

I've really enjoyed working on a couple of celebration commissions this month. My client gave me several photos and a list of things that make her think of the recipients to work from. I then sketched out a suggested composition for each picture and worked closely with my client to ensure the pictures really reflected the girls' personalities.

Do get in touch via my contact page if you'd like to discuss a commission for someone you love.

A New Picture Book

Over the past few weeks I've been starting work on my new picture book. My first book, Angel's Great Escape, was written by me but illustrated by the fabulous Kristyna Litten. At the time I didn't think I could draw at all and loved how Kristyna seemed to see things in exactly the same way as me.

Since then I have practiced drawing almost every day and my new picture book project is a way for me to practice and to challenge myself. I'll be writing several blog posts over the coming months about my process and what I learn but for now, here's a sneak peek at one of the characters I've been working on.

Pretty Pencils

I added these pretty pencils to my shop last week. I use them every day for my to do lists and on-the-go sketching and they make my day just a little bit more sparkly.

They come in white, pink or silver, all with gold foil writing and are sold in a set of four packed in a pink candy stripe bag. Perfect for a little gift or for a little treat for yourself : )

Buy yours by clicking on the picture below!

Colour Collective 2017

The #colour_collective challenge has been running on Twitter for two years now. It's a lovely community of artists and illustrators and also a brilliant incentive to practice drawing each week. Lovely Penny Neville-Lee started the challenge and continues to post a new colour every Saturday. We then all create a piece inspired by that colour and post our pictures at 19:30 GMT on the following Friday evening.

The first colour of this year was Aureolin Yellow. Here's my contribution : )

Pretty Post by And So We Begin

This week I've added a new product to my Etsy shop, Pretty Post by And So We Begin. Pretty Post is a selection pack of 8 assorted cards from my collection that you can buy at the brilliant price of just £15 AND you'll also get a little treat just for you!

I'm going to aim to produce a new collection of 8 cards every three months so you can buy Pretty Post regularly and will always have new designs to add to your collection. Then every time you need a card, you will have one to hand. The cards are suitable for birthdays and you'll find something in the pack for any occasion. Or just send a card to make someone smile.

This month's FREE little treat just for you is a pretty Stars & Ideas Notebook complete with an I Need Coffee pencil. Because we all have ideas and we all need coffee, right? : )

Pop over to my Etsy shop to have a closer look!

#illo_advent 2017

This is the third year I've taken part in #illo_advent over on Twitter. It's what started me drawing when I was having a really tough time in my personal life. I took up the challenge of drawing a Christmas themed illustration from 1st - 24th December and it helped to distract me. I shared my drawings and become part of a lovely community of creative people. It was therapy, company and just good fun.

This year the illustrations that are being shared by everyone are absolutely beautiful. If you've got five minutes to while away I highly recommend a browse. Here are my 24 pictures for 2016.